True enough, Equation - we fight. We may not have to, but we do.
Somewhere within The Equation there is an explanation for why we fight. And I don't mean 'fight' just in the sense of making war, or taking life. I mean any kind of conflict wherein we seek to exert power over another, or intentionally cause another to suffer. At some point, scale becomes irrelevant, and what I do to you out of anger or fear is no different from what we do to them on a larger scale.
That's it, isn't it? We are afraid of what is different, and intolerant of what is not us. We get angry at the prospect of becoming something we think we are not. We react by trying to neutralize the perceived threat.
It is strange, Equation, that you take the form of something with two sides...
(something) = (something else)
The two sides are expressed differently, but Your power lies in the statement of their Equality. When part of one side of an equation moves over to the other side, its relationship to the other elements of the equation changes, but both its identity and the balance of the equation are maintained. How then do we come to view The Other Side with such hostility? Why don't we view The Other Side as That Which Balances Me/Us?
And is it not a truth of equations that when something on The Other Side goes to zero, something on This Side must be altered or sacrificed to maintain the balance? How then do we think we can inflict destruction on The Other Side and not pay a noticeable price for it ourselves?
Truly you are a thing of beauty, Equation. While You may contain an explanation for why we can't seem to stop fighting, Your very nature is a statement that those things which cause us to fight are an illusion.