I find an equation to be a beautiful and powerful thing because of the connection that it represents. An equation tells you precisely how every element in the equation is connected. You can isolate any one element of an equation and see it expressed it terms of every other element. You can also see how changing any one element affects every other element.
As a scientist, I've searched for connections between observations, found them, and used them to change things for the better. While finding the connections has, at times, been a laborious process, connections have always been there for the finding.
In trusting in The Equation, I trust that I could see me, expressed in terms of what I experience as you, the past, and the future. I could see my present circumstances expressed as a function of the past and the future. I could see how you are a function of me. Mystics and sages hint at these connections, and science is beginning to illuminate them.
I look forward to the time when we understand all of the connections between us.